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2 New Publications by Nick Wilson

2 New Publications by Nick Wilson

  Wilson, N.J., Walter, M.T., Waterhouse, J., 2015. Indigenous Knowledge of Hydrologic Change in the Yukon River Basin: A Case Study of Ruby, Alaska. ARCTIC 68, 93–106. doi:10.14430/arctic4459 Abstract: In the Arctic and Subarctic, the contribution of Indigenous knowledge to understanding environmental change has been established over the last several decades. This paper explores the role of Indigenous knowledge […]

New Publication: Boundary Spanning: Engagement Across Disciplines, Communities, and Geography

New Publication: Boundary Spanning: Engagement Across Disciplines, Communities, and Geography

Paton, V. O., Reith, C. C., Harden, K. K., Abaurre, R., & C. Tremblay. (2014). Boundary Spanning: Engagement Across Disciplines, Communities, and Geography. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement 18(3): 1-18.   Abstract: Narratives from 3 presenters at the closing session of the 2013 Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference demonstrate that higher education institutions and communities can forge deep and […]

EDGES welcomes new member Kiely McFarlane

EDGES welcomes new member Kiely McFarlane

The EDGES team welcomes a new member – Kiely McFarlane! Kiely will be doing her PhD at the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability with Dr. Leila Harris and the Res’Eau network on small water systems governance and changes related to updates to the provinces Water Sustainability Act. Kiely will be funded through her involvement […]

Lecture by Phil Torio on Water Regulation Quezon City, the Philippines

Lecture by Phil Torio on Water Regulation Quezon City, the Philippines

On August 6 2014, Phil Torio, PhD Candidate at IRES and EDGES member, gave a public lecture on Water Regulation at the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS) Regulatory Office in Quezon City, the Philippines. Phil was involved in the Metro Manila water privatization program in 1997. He worked for both private and public institutions […]

New Publication: Morales and Harris, Using Subjectivity and Emotion to Reconsider Participatory Natural Resource Management

New Publication: Morales and Harris, Using Subjectivity and Emotion to Reconsider Participatory Natural Resource Management

  Morales, M. & L. Harris (2014). Using Subjectivity and Emotion ro Reconsider Participatory Natural Resource Management. World Development 64(2014): 703-712. Abstract: This article examines what attention to subjectivity and emotion can bring to understandings of participatory resource governance. This focus highlights limitations of common participatory governance approaches, as well as possible ways forward. Attention to these […]

Sameer Shah receives UBC Affiliated Fellowship

Sameer Shah receives UBC Affiliated Fellowship

Sameer was recently awarded the Li Tze Fong Memorial Fellowship from the University of British Columbia for the 2nd year of his MSc at IRES. In addition, Sameer was selected as one of about 50 applicants from across Canada to participate in the Waterlution Transformative Leaders of the Future Program. This 9 month program brings water […]

Fieldwork Update: Sameer Shah in the Philippines

Fieldwork Update: Sameer Shah in the Philippines

Sameer is continuing his MSc research in the Angat River Basin focusing on how and why rice farming households are (or are not) adapting to changes in water access from irrigation services. He is working with local farmers, Irrigation Associations, and government staff in and around the Municipality of Bustos. Sameer has been in Bulacan […]