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Anti-Racism Resources:

Water Researchers of Colour Database: created by students at the University of Waterloo, this is a resource adding to numerous efforts in the last year to raise awareness of people of colour in the multiple disciplines intersecting with water.
Entries to the Water Researchers of Colour database can be made here.
The published Water Researchers of Colour database can be found here.

Household Water Insecurity Experiences Research Coordination Network (HWISE-RCN): has compiled a list of anti-racist and water justice publications, organizations, and media coverage.

A Reading List of Black Geographers (UBC Geography)

Anti-Racist Reading List from Ibram X. Kendi

Ecologies of Social Difference Bibliography: highlights academic research that investigates the ways that gender, race, class, caste, and sexuality affect and shape people’s interactions with the environment. The purpose of this bibliography is to provide a resource for scholars interested in issues of social difference, inequality, and critical studies of nature/environment.

Eaves, LaToya. (2020).  Fear of an other geography. Dialogues in Human Geography 10(1):34-36. doi:10.1177/2043820619898901. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/2043820619898901#articleCitationDownloadContainer

Indigenous Water Governance in British Columbia and Canada: Annotated Bibliography by Rosie Simms (Program on Water Governance)

Indigenous Environmental Justice: Annotated Bibliography by Nicola Bianco, Jayce Chiblow, Meagan Dellavilla et al. (York University)

**Suggestions to the above list are welcome. Those working in water politics, environmental justice, feminist and decolonize political ecology and related fields are welcome to email us (edges.ubc [at] gmail [dot] com) with relevant resources for inclusion.**

Other Resources and Related Initiatives:

Program on Water Governance (UBC) The Program on Water Governance (PoWG) conducts cutting-edge interdisciplinary research on water sustainability, and fosters dialogue on water policy with communities and decision-makers.

Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability (IRES, UBC) IRES is problem-focused and curiosity-driven interdisciplinary research institute and graduate program, with interest and expertise in a wide range of topics under the realm of environment and sustainability.

Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice (GRSJ, UBC) GRSJ is a degree-granting academic unit that exemplifies UBC’s commitment to ensuring critical advances in knowledge, democratic communities, and equity in scholarship, research, and teaching.

International WaTERS (University of British Columbia, University of Minnesota, WaterNet (East/South Africa), University of the Western Cape, New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), Water Equity Network (East/South Africa), UNESCO IHE, Wageningen University, Justicia Hidrica, SaciWATERs, Forum of Water Policy Dialogy on Water Conflicts in India, Society for Promoting Participative Ecosystem Management (SOPPECOM, India), Birzeit University Institute for Environmental and Water Studies, and Household Water Insecurity Experiences (HWISE) Research Coordination Network). The International WaTERS Research and Training Network (Water-related Training, Education and Research in the global South) addresses ongoing water governance and security challenges by: promoting collaborative and comparative research on urban water resilience, with specific focus on rural-urban linkages and institutional, social and equity dimensions; fostering knowledge mobilization through academic and policy dialogue in our Network and beyond; and building an extensive network of expertise available to enrich capacity and graduate training at partner institutions.

Anthropology of Water Research Group (AOW, Cape Town, South Africa) AOW is a working group at University of the Western Cape comprised of professors, PhD and Masters students, interns, and working professionals who have an interest in water and society.

Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Global Change (ICGC, University of Minnesota, MN, USA) ICGC is a University of Minnesota campus-wide center that seeks to foster an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural community of faculty and students committed to supporting and advancing research, education, and collaborative initiatives related to global change, with a focus on the global south.

Water Economic, Politics and Governance Network (WEPGN, Brock University, St. Catharines, ON) WEPGN is to build knowledge and facilitate exchange between social science researchers and partners, thereby increasing the application of research to decision-making and enhancing water’s sustainable contribution to Canada’s economy and society while protecting ecosystems

Watershed Discovery (Canada-wide) Watershed micro biome research project working to develop a new metagenomics derived water quality test.

Ecologies of Social Difference Working Group (ESD, UBC) ESD Social Justice @ UBC is a thematic network under the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice. The group was established at UBC in 2011 with the aim to promote research, engagement, student-faculty-community networking, and interdisciplinary understanding on questions at the interstices of social difference, inequality, and nature/environment.

Urbanizing Watersheds (Canada and the Philippines) This project focuses on watershed governance through the case of the rapidly urbanizing Angat Watershed and River Basin (AWRB), located in Bulacan, Philippines.

RES Eau WATERNET (Canada) Canada’s first and only research network devoted exclusively to developing innovative, affordable technologies for providing clean drinking water to these small and rural communities (SRCs). RES’EAU-WaterNET is strongly committed to the training of highly qualified professionals who, through their unique experiences through participating in the network, will gain broader perspective on issues and challenges related to small water systems.  

Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space Journal is an interdisciplinary journal of nature-society scholarship. The journal welcomes theoretically robust, empirically rich research from an array of fields including political ecology, environmental justice, science and technology studies, conservation and the environmental humanities. The journal pushes understanding of the uneven, dynamic, and often unjust intersections of nature and space with particular interest in their societal, political, and economic dimensions.

Household Water Insecurity Experiences (HWISE)-Research Coordination Network (RCN) is a community of scholars and practitioners who research and work in the interdisciplinary field of water insecurity. The RCN is an NSF-funded initiative (2018-2023) dedicated to building a community of practice that fosters key analytics and theoretical advances coupled with the development of research protocols and standardized assessments to document, benchmark, and understand the causes and outcomes of water insecurity at the household scale.

NextGen Project: Training the Next Generation of Community-based Researchers (UNESCO, IRES, UVIC, PRIA, Coady, ISICUE) The NextGen project is aimed at creating new interdisciplinary knowledge by examining CBR training practices in the thematic areas of local asset development, participatory citizenship, Indigenous research methodologies and water governance in global and institutional settings. It further builds a global partnership to create more training opportunities with an emphasis on the Global South.

Riverhood and River Commons are both five-year research projects that focus on enlivening rivers, river co-governance initiatives, and new water justice movements.While each of the projects has its specific objectives, activities, regions, and partners, there is immense potential for synergies and cross-pollination. Riverhood and River Commons will therefore be integrated in multiple ways, to together build a diverse and wide network of river scholars, activists, and institutions that commonly aim to understand and strengthen river co-governance around the world.

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