Media Release: Building community research partnerships worldwide

University World News

University World News recently released a feature on a global study of community-university research partnerships led by the UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education. EDGES member and IRES post-doc Crystal Tremblay is one of the researchers involved in this project.

“Crystal Tremblay, a post-doctoral fellow at the University of British Columbia and research coordinator for the UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education, said this was the first global survey known to examine structures for facilitating community-university research partnerships.

“By structures we mean the existence or creation of administrative or organisational models such as Science Shops, community-university partnership programmes, services aux collectivites, research mobilisation offices or many other names of research partnership services,” she told University World News.

Community-university research partnerships can take many forms.

They may be academic knowledge put to the service of the community, joint university and community partnerships in identifying research problems, research generated in community settings without formal academic links, or research under the full control of community or non-university groups.

Tremblay said these exist both within higher education institutions and within civil society as independent research partnership bodies such as the Society for Participatory Research in Asia, the Bonn Science Shop and the Centre for Community-Based Research in Canada.”

To read the full article, please click HERE.

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