CfP: ‘Resilience and Water Governance’ Special Session at CAG 2015

Sameer's field site in the Angat River Basin

Sameer’s field site in the Angat River Basin

EDGES members Lucy Rodina and Sameer Shah are co-hosting a special session on Resilience and Water Governance at the Canadian Association of Geographers’ Annual Meeting hosted by Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, BC in June this year.

Session description:

Population growth and environmental change will have impacts on water quality, quantity, and availability around the world carrying significant implications for water governance. Decision-making and governance around water are increasingly considering and implementing guiding frameworks associated with risk, uncertainties, and vulnerabilities to address current and anticipated stressors to watershed environments. This paper session aims to foster conversation around resilient water governance institutions. Papers highlighting theoretical and empirical evidence that critique and provide insight into potential pathways for enhanced resilience in the water governance realm are welcome and encouraged.

Questions/ topics may include (but are not limited to):

  • What does it mean for water governance institutions to be ‘resilient’?
  • What are the appropriate scales at which to foster resilience in the water sector?
  • What do resilient water futures look like?
  • What are the challenges to resilience for governance in rural and urban contexts?
  • What are the opportunities and challenges associated with resilience and associated concepts when investigating water related uncertainties and futures?

For those interested in participating, please send paper abstracts of no more than 200 words to both Lucy Rodina ( and Sameer Shah ( by February 15, 2015.

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