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Blog Post by Scott McKenzie on the Human Right to Water

Blog Post by Scott McKenzie on the Human Right to Water

Scott McKenzie, who has a Juris Doctorate from the University of Iowa, recently wrote a blog post on the legal background of the human right to water. “The human right to water has been making steady progress.  The right has become a fixture of international law and state constitutions frequently include the right.  Within a framework […]

New Pub: Branch and Kleiber, Should we call them fishers or fishermen?

New Pub: Branch and Kleiber, Should we call them fishers or fishermen?

Branch, T. A and D. Kleiber (2015). Should we call them fishers or fishermen? Fish and Fisheries, DOI: 10.1111/faf.12130 Abstract: ‘Fishermen’ and the gender-neutral ‘fishers’ are the most common terms used to describe people who fish in the English language. However, there is a considerable debate as to which term is most appropriate. In academic journals, usage of ‘fishers’ […]

New Pub: Morales, My pipes say I am powerful

New Pub: Morales, My pipes say I am powerful

Morales, M. C. (2015) My pipes say I am powerful: belonging and class as constructed through our sewers. WIREs Water. DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1108 Abstract: This review examines the social and political roots and ongoing implications of centralized, waterborne sewerage. This system has served as a marker of class, a signal of wealth and political power, and a mechanism […]

New Pub: Roa-García and Brown, Assessing equity and sustainability of water allocation in Colombia

New Pub: Roa-García and Brown, Assessing equity and sustainability of water allocation in Colombia

Roa-García, M.C. and S. Brown (2015). Assessing equity and sustainability of water allocation in Colombia. Local Environment. DOI: 10.1080/13549839.2015.1070816 Abstract: Based on the national database of 28,104 water rights (concessions) granted in Colombia, this paper presents an analysis of how the principles of equity and sustainability are reflected in water allocation. Concessions appear to be an exclusionary mechanism since […]

Congratulations to Nicole and Scott!

Congratulations to Nicole and Scott!

The EDGES team is happy to announce that two of our members have recently received awards for their academic achievements. Nicole Wilson received the prestigious UBC Killam doctoral award for 2015-2016 while Scott McKenzie received the C.D. Howe Graduate Fellowship in Public Policy and Walter W Jeffrey Memorial Scholarship for Water Resources. Congrats to both of you and good luck in […]

New Pub: Harris, Rodina and Morinville, Revisiting the Human Right to Water

New Pub: Harris, Rodina and Morinville, Revisiting the Human Right to Water

Harris, L., Rodina, L. &  C. Morinville (2015). Revisiting the Human Right to Water from an Environmental Justice Lens. Politics, Groups and Identities 3(4): 660-665. Abstract: In this essay we investigate the discourses around the Human Right to Water (HRW) and the growing acceptance of the importance of this right in environmental justice (EJ) agendas. We argue that there is […]

EVENT: People of the Land:  Dialogue series with the Mapuche Territorial Alliance

EVENT: People of the Land: Dialogue series with the Mapuche Territorial Alliance

People of the Land:  Dialogue series with the Mapuche Territorial Alliance September 22-23, 2015 UBC | Unceded Coast Salish Territory People of the Land: Dialogue series with the Mapuche Territorial Alliance will bring together two Indigenous leaders from the Mapuche Nation –Alberto Curamil and Miguel Melin– with Indigenous activists and scholars from North America to […]

EDGES welcomes new team members!

EDGES welcomes new team members!

The EDGES team is pleased to welcome four new members this Fall – Julian S. Yates, Graham McDowell, Emma Luker and Noal Amir. Julian is a Postdoctoral Fellow at IRES, working on the rollout of small-scale water filtration facilities among BC’s First Nations communities – an approach that gained political expediency due to the recently introduced Water […]