Crystal Tremblay’s visit at ILAS featured in the news

Sin 2015

Sin, NUI Galway’s online student newspaper, recently published a story on Crystal Tremblay‘s research. Earlier this fall, Crystal attended ILAS to present the methodology and initial findings of the study she conducted using participatory video-based research entitled, ‘Participatory Water Governance in Urban Africa: Building Citizenship through Participatory Video’. Dr Tremblay focused more specifically on how the communities of informal settlements in Cape Town, South Africa and Accra, Ghana access use water, in addition to their water sanitation, whilst also reflecting on similar research she conducted with recycling cooperatives in Canada and Brazil. Dr Tremblay, who has also recently visited the University of Bristol and the University of Brighton to give a similar talk, and to promote her new book, Strengthening Community University Research Partnerships: Global Perspectives, co-edited with Dr Budd Hall and Dr Rajesh Tandon – to which ILAS’s very own Lorraine McIlrath has contributed an entire chapter – also alluded to people’s relationship with water; the idea of people actually “being water”, on top of water being an essential human right. See full story HERE.

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