New pub: Harris, Rodina, Luker, Darkwah & Goldin, Water Access in Underserved Areas of Accra, Ghana and Cape Town, South Africa: 2012 Survey Report


Harris, L., L. Rodina, E. Luker, A. Darkwah & J. Goldin. (2016). Water Access in underserved areas of Accra, Ghana and Cape Town, South Africa. 2012 Survey Report. The University of British Columbia, Institute of Resources, Environment and Sustainability.

Policy Brief Overview:

Across Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) urban water supply systems face a range of challenges—so much so that the situation across the region has been classified by the United Nations as being among the most dire globally with respect to provision of water and sanitation (UN-HABITAT 2007). Among the tremendous challenges is the issue of uneven and variable delivery of services, often with some middle and high-income locales receiving safe and affordable water, while nearby lower income areas do not enjoy basic access to safe water for drinking and other domestic uses. This report provides data from a survey implemented early in 2012 with focus on basic household water uses and sources, perceptions of accessibility and affordability, and other elements of the lived experience associated with water access and governance in four relatively underserved sites of Accra, Ghana and Cape Town, South Africa. Specifically, the survey was undertaken in the communities of Teshie and Ashaiman in Accra, and Philippi and Khayletisha in Cape Town (see Maps 1 and 2). In Ghana there were a total of 243 respondents, with 123 respondents from Ashaiman (Roman Down) and 120 from Teshie (51% of the Ghanian sample were female, and 49% male). For the South African sites, there were a total of 256 respondents—132 from Khayelitsha and 124 from Philippi (of the South African respondents, 61% were female and 39% male.


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