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Relevant News Media (podcasts, radio and print stories):

EDGES member Dacotah-Victoria Splichalova on water rights and relationships in the Yucatán (podcast): EDGES Member, Dacotah-Victoria Splichalova, PhD Candidate, was interviewed live on the Los Showrunners podcast in Mérida, México. She shared about her work on the subject of water rights and relationships with water in the Yucatán Península with her colleague, Nicolás Salazar Sutil, Editor at Minority Rights Group (London).

Alamilla, C.A. (Host). (2023, July 20). Tomar agua nos da vida, tomar conciencia nos dará agua [Audio podcast episode] in Los Showrunners Producciones. https://rss.com/podcasts/prathiwiputri/592873/

Dr. Leila Harris on gender, water, and “watery subjectivities” (radio broadcast): Dr. Leila Harris joins News Director Chali Pittman ahead of the panel event “Running Deep— Understanding Water to Understand Our Future” to talk about her research in water politics, and the gender dimensions of irrigation and water governance — work that has taken her to the Tigris-Euphrates basin in Turkey, Accra, Ghana and Cape Town, South Africa. They also talk about concepts that have guided Harris’s work, like Astrid Neimanis’s concept of watery subjectivities, which allows us to think of our bodies and ourselves as part of a collective whole of water and ecology, without a discrete beginning and end.

Pittman, C. (2023, March 8). Dr. Leila Harris on gender, water, and “watery subjectivities” [Radio broadcast]. WORT eighty nine. nine FM. https://www.wortfm.org/dr-leila-harris-on-gender-water-and-watery-subjectivities/

Prof. Leila Harris on Equity, Diversity and State-Citizenship Relations in Water Governance (podcast): In the second season of CO-Water Voice, in summer, 2022, I invite you to understand conflicts over water resources and water ecosystems in a critical manner. Leila Harris is with us on this episode! She is a Professor at the Institute for Resources Environment and Sustainability (IRES) and the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice (GRSJ) at the University of British Columbia. On this episode, we have an interesting conversation about equity in counterbalancing efficiency, the pluriverse of water systems, as well as the spatial and scalar dimensions of water conflict.

Putri, P. (Host). (2022, Aug 23). Prof. Leila Harris on equity, diversity and state-citizenship relations in water governance [Audio podcast episode] in CO-Water Voice: Turning Water Conflicts into Co-productions. RSS America. https://rss.com/podcasts/prathiwiputri/592873/

Water Rights and Relationship with Dr Leila Harris (podcast): This week on Terra Informa we do a little social science communication with Dr. Leila Harris, Professor at IRES (and more), at the University of British Columbia. We’ll be talking about the U.N. Human Right to Water, what hydro-social relationships look like, and how water has more than just material dimensions. We’ll learn what socio-ecological systems theory is, the concept of hydro-social relationships… and what is an ontology, again?

Dowdell, E. (Host). (2021, May 9). Water rights and relationship with Dr Leila Harris [Audio podcast episode] in Terra Informa. iHeartMedia, Inc. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-terra-informa-43102885/episode/water-rights-and-relationship-with-dr-82374280/

Salgın Sonrası İçin Ekolojik Manifestolar #8- Su Hakkı İçin Manifesto (podcast): Salgın Sonrası İçin Ekolojik Manifestolar COVID-19 salgınını izleyen dönemi ekoloji perspektifinden tartışan 12 manifestoyu bir araya getiriyor. Su hakkına odaklanan bu manifestoyu Leila Harris kaleme aldı. (English translation: Ecological Manifestos After the Pandemic #8 – Manifesto for the Right to Water: Ecological Manifestos for the Post-Epidemic brings together 12 manifestos that discuss the period following the COVID-19 pandemic from an ecology perspective. Leila Harris penned this manifesto, which focuses on the right to water.)

Mekanda Adalet Derneği (Host). 2021, Mar 23). Manifesto for the Right to Water (episode 8) [Audio podcast episode] in MADpodcast’s Ecological Manifestos After the Pandemic. the Justice in Space Association. https://www.spreaker.com/user/12697632/salgin-sonrasi-i-c-in-ekolojik-manifesto

Water Resources in the Middle East (part 1) (podcast): A talk by Leila Harris, Assistant Professor of Geography at the University of Wisconsin. Co-sponsored by the Center fro Middle Eastern Studies and the Environmental Studies Program. From the World Beyond the Headlines Series.

(2005, Nov 8). Water resources in the Middle East (part 1) [Audio podcast episode] in the World Beyond the Headlines from the University of Chicago. the Center for International Studies at the University of Chicago.


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