UNECE Workshop on Equitable and Affordable access to Water, Geneva, July 2011

In July, 2011, Dr. Leila Harris attended the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) workshop “Equitable and affordable access to water”. Among the attendees were half a dozen academic participants and country representatives from different ministries in Europe responsible for water provision/access, as well as ministries that deal with minority issues. Since the themes of the workshop are very much in line with Dr. Harris’ research interests, she contributed by providing gender perspectives on the issues. More specifically, in the absence of other representatives from Turkey, she provided input on the Turkish context. In addition, Leila Harris was a commentator on session II, “Applying an equitable access lens to water governance frameworks.”  All participants gave input and feedback for the report, which is being prepared for the next World Water Forum in Marseilles France, spring 2012.

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