L. Harris and EDGES team awarded grant from CIGI – Africa Initiative

Earlier this month the EDGES team was awarded a CIGI – Africa Initiative grant.  L. Harris’s proposal, titled “Contextual and policy dimensions of Extending Water Access: Cape Town and Accra”, was among a handful projects, selected out of 362 submissions.

The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) is an independent, non-partisan think tank on international governance with a research focus on global economy, global environment and energy, global development and global security. CIGI’s Africa Initiative (AI) project is a multi-year project that aims to contribute to the deepening Africa’s capacity and knowledge in five thematic areas — conflict resolution, energy, food security, health and migration, with special attention to the crosscutting issue of climate change. For more information about the CIGI-AI, please click HERE.

As part of the grant, L Harris and the EDGES team will be partnering with several institutions in Cape Town and Accra to initiate a survey on water security and access in underserved communities.  Stay tuned for the policy brief early next year.

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