Lyla Mehta is visiting UBC next week to give a couple of talks. Lyla Mehta is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex and an Adjunct Professor at the Norwegian University of Life sciences. She is a sociologist and her work has focussed on the politics of water and sanitation, scarcity and forced displacement. She uses the case of water to address conceptual debates concerning rights, access and power/knowledge interfaces in environment and development. She has been involved in advocacy work on water, dams and development issues with NGOs and social movements in India and Europe. Her books include ‘The politics and poetics of water: naturalising scarcity in Western India’, ‘Displaced by development: confronting marginalisation and gender injustice’ and ‘The limits to scarcity: contesting the politics of allocation.
Tuesday, March 27th at 12:30 in GEOG Rm 200 (1984 West Mall)
“Taking the Scare Out of Scarcity: Waterscapes and the Ghost of the Scarcity Postulate”
Lecture, part of Geography Colloquium Series
For more information click HERE.
Wednesday, March 28th at 5:00pm in Green College Coach House (6201 Cecil Green Park Road)
“Off track, onside? Realising the water and sanitation MDG may be possible, but what will it achieve?”
Lecture, art of the Thematic Series, “The United Nations Millenium Development Goals: Progress and Prospects”, co-sponsored by Green College, the Liu Institute for Global Issues and the International Development Research Network (IDRN).
For more information, please click HERE.
I am a Master Students studying International relations in Swansea University. I am writing my dissertation on ‘Gender and the Politics of Water’ and I’ll e very much grateful if I could get some advice and relevant journals to use in building my research work.
Thank you.
Dear Osowobi, thank you for your interest. I would be happy to provide you with some suggestions if you email me directly at my email address that you will find on my webpage on the EDGES site. Please note, in particular, the special issue on Gender and Water Geographies (2009) in Gender, Place, and Culture, and the special issue on feminist political ecology in Geoforum published in 2011. We can talk about some other authors that appear outside of those two special issues offline. We wish you luck in your project–please be in touch as your work unfolds. kind regards, L. Harris