Left to right: Leila Harris, Karen Bakker, Gemma Dunn
The GE3LS team is a group of researchers working on genomics-related ethical, economic, environmental, legal and social aspects of the Genome Canada funded project Applied Metagenomics of the Watershed Microbiome. The GE3LS team is bi-coastal, with teams from both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Canada. Leila Harris, Co-Director of the Program on Water Governance, is the co-chair of the GE3LS expert group, and participant in the west coast team which includes Bev Holmes, Natalie Henrich, Gemma Dunn and Karen Bakker (all of UBC). The new Spring 2012 Genome BC Signals newsletter features a short piece that outlines the objectives and progress of the team. The article can be found HERE.
For more information, please Genome BC’s website.