Several EDGES members participated in an art exhibit at the Science Gallery of Detroit. The Precarity: Water and Power exhibit includes images taken by EDGES team members Crystal Tremblay, Megan Peloso, Cynthia Morinville, and Leila Harris while conducting research in Accra, Ghana. The exhibit includes two participatory videos made in collaboration between Crystal Tremblay and Leila Harris of EDGES together with communities in South Africa and Ghana.

Pearson, A, A. Brewis, W. Jepson, L. Harris, C. Tremblay, A. Wutich, S. Young (2019) Precarity: Water and Power”* a piece in the ‘Depth’ Exhibit exploring human relationships to water at the Science Gallery of Detroit, June-August 2019. *Precarity was competitively selected for funding from the Science Gallery Network of Galleries.
Explanation: The exhibit juxtaposes water issues from the global South, with issues in Flint, Michigan and the colonias in Texas and other sites in North America. With these juxtapositions, the piece invites the viewer to consider these unsettling juxtapositions, as well as some of our basic assumptions about water challenges experienced in different parts of the globe. The precarity exhibit also included to participatory video films made as a collaboration between Leila Harris and Crystal Tremblay of EDGES at UBC, and communities in South Africa and Ghana.
To learn more about the exhibit, click here.

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