News And Events
Congratulations to Rosie Simms
By Lucy Rodina on December 18, 2014
Join us in congratulating EDGES member Rosie Simms for her successful completion of the MA program at IRES! Rosie did her Master’s under the supervision of Dr. Leila Harris, working on dynamics of water access and governance for First Nations in British Columbia. Her Masters work formed part of the First Nations and the shifting water governance landscape of British Columbia project, funded […]
Fieldwork Update: Crystal Tremblay in Cape Town, South Africa
By Lucy Rodina on December 7, 2014
Crystal Tremblay and her team have just wrapped up an exciting week-long video production training with 24 youth members of the Iliso Care Society, in Khayelitcha (Site C) Cape Town. The training was part of a Participatory Video project exploring and documenting narratives around issues of water and sanitation, among other themes. They used drawing techniques […]
Congratulations to Elizabeth Dapaah
By Lucy Rodina on November 3, 2014
Please join the EDGES team in congratulating Elizabeth for her successful completion of the MA program at IRES! Elizabeth did her MA work under the supervision of Leila Harris on water governance, delivery and access among indigenous and migrant low income communities in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA). Her work looks at how water use and access is connected […]
Accepting applications for funded MA and PhD student positions
By Lucy Rodina on November 3, 2014
Accepting applications for funded MA and PhD student positions in the UBC Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability (IRES) and Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice (GRSJ) Please check the IRES and GRSJ program websites for application requirements and deadlines. Experience of Shifting Water Governance: Comparative Study of Water Access, Narrative and Citizenship […]
New Publication: Tremblay and Peredo, Participatory video as an approach for strengthening collective social entrepreneurship
By Lucy Rodina on October 17, 2014
Tremblay, C and A. M. Peredo. (2014). Participatory video as an approach for strengthening collective social entrepreneurship: The recycling cooperative movement in Brazil. In: J. Short (Ed). Social Entrepreneurship and Research Methods, pp.189-214. Emerald Books: Bingley, UK. Abstract: Purpose – The purpose of this chapter is to document the use of Participatory Action Research methods as an […]
Congratulations to Danika Kleiber
By Lucy Rodina on September 16, 2014
Please join the EDGES team in congratulating Danika for her successful completion of the PhD program at IRES! Danika did her PhD work under the supervision of Leila Harris and Amanda Vincent on gender dimensions of marine protected areas as a management measure for small-scale fisheries in the Central Philippines. Danika’s dissertation is titled Gender and […]
International WaTERS team receives SSHRC Partnership Development Grant
By Lucy Rodina on September 16, 2014
As part of the SSHRC Partnership Development Grants, researchers at the University of British Columbia recently received almost $1 million to lead five projects, one of which will be led by Leila Harris and colleagues. The International WaTERS team received $200,000 towards a water training, education and research project focused on water issues (initially, with […]
Megan Peloso at the Lake Windermere Ambassadors
By Lucy Rodina on September 12, 2014
EDGES alumna Megan Peloso, who completed her MA earlier this year, recently embarked on a new water project in the capacity of a Program Coordinator at the Lake Windermere Ambassadors (LWA) based in Invermere, BC. LWA is an advocacy organization that represents the interests of citizens concerned with water stewardship in the Lake Windermere watershed. Megan’s […]
New Publication: Morinville and Harris, Participation, politics, and panaceas: exploring the possibilities and limits of participatory urban water governance in Accra, Ghana
By Lucy Rodina on September 10, 2014
Morinville, C. and L. M. Harris. (2014) Participation, politics, and panaceas: exploring the possibilities and limits of participatory urban water governance in Accra, Ghana. Ecology and Society 19 (3): 36. [online]. Abstract: Water governance debates have increasingly recognized the importance of adaptive governance for short- and long-term sustainability, especially with respect to increasing climate unpredictability and growing urbanization. A […]
New Publication: Roa-García, Equity, efficiency and sustainability in water allocation in the Andes
By Lucy Rodina on September 10, 2014
Roa-García, M.C. (2014). Equity, efficiency and sustainability in water allocation in the Andes: Trade-offs in a full world. Water Alternatives 7(2): 298-319 Abstract: Conflicts between water users are increasing, making evident the lack of a judicious, balanced and transparent procedure for water allocation. This is particularly apparent in regions where demand comes from users with a wide range of […]
EDGES Welcomes new member Scott McKenzie
By Lucy Rodina on September 4, 2014
The EDGES team welcomes a new member – Scott McKenzie! Scott will be doing his PhD at the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability with Dr. Leila Harris. Scott’s research will be involved with Experience of Shifting Water Governance: Comparative Study of Water Access, Narrative and Citizenship in Accra, Ghana and Cape Town, South Africa. […]
Social Justice Fellowships available at GRSJ
By Lucy Rodina on September 3, 2014
The Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice offers up to three doctoral fellowships on issues connected to inequality, social change, and justice. The UBC 4YF Doctoral Fellowships are competitively offered to the promising candidates whose work have the potential to advance research and understanding in social justice. The Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and […]
2 New Publications by Nick Wilson
By Lucy Rodina on August 27, 2014
Wilson, N.J., Walter, M.T., Waterhouse, J., 2015. Indigenous Knowledge of Hydrologic Change in the Yukon River Basin: A Case Study of Ruby, Alaska. ARCTIC 68, 93–106. doi:10.14430/arctic4459 Abstract: In the Arctic and Subarctic, the contribution of Indigenous knowledge to understanding environmental change has been established over the last several decades. This paper explores the role of Indigenous knowledge […]
New Publication: Boundary Spanning: Engagement Across Disciplines, Communities, and Geography
By Lucy Rodina on August 25, 2014
Paton, V. O., Reith, C. C., Harden, K. K., Abaurre, R., & C. Tremblay. (2014). Boundary Spanning: Engagement Across Disciplines, Communities, and Geography. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement 18(3): 1-18. Abstract: Narratives from 3 presenters at the closing session of the 2013 Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference demonstrate that higher education institutions and communities can forge deep and […]
EDGES welcomes new member Kiely McFarlane
By Lucy Rodina on August 25, 2014
The EDGES team welcomes a new member – Kiely McFarlane! Kiely will be doing her PhD at the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability with Dr. Leila Harris and the Res’Eau network on small water systems governance and changes related to updates to the provinces Water Sustainability Act. Kiely will be funded through her involvement […]
Lecture by Phil Torio on Water Regulation Quezon City, the Philippines
By Lucy Rodina on August 12, 2014
On August 6 2014, Phil Torio, PhD Candidate at IRES and EDGES member, gave a public lecture on Water Regulation at the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS) Regulatory Office in Quezon City, the Philippines. Phil was involved in the Metro Manila water privatization program in 1997. He worked for both private and public institutions […]
New Publication: Morales and Harris, Using Subjectivity and Emotion to Reconsider Participatory Natural Resource Management
By Lucy Rodina on August 12, 2014
Morales, M. & L. Harris (2014). Using Subjectivity and Emotion ro Reconsider Participatory Natural Resource Management. World Development 64(2014): 703-712. Abstract: This article examines what attention to subjectivity and emotion can bring to understandings of participatory resource governance. This focus highlights limitations of common participatory governance approaches, as well as possible ways forward. Attention to these […]
Sameer Shah receives UBC Affiliated Fellowship
By Lucy Rodina on August 12, 2014
Sameer was recently awarded the Li Tze Fong Memorial Fellowship from the University of British Columbia for the 2nd year of his MSc at IRES. In addition, Sameer was selected as one of about 50 applicants from across Canada to participate in the Waterlution Transformative Leaders of the Future Program. This 9 month program brings water […]
Fieldwork Update: Sameer Shah in the Philippines
By Lucy Rodina on August 12, 2014
Sameer is continuing his MSc research in the Angat River Basin focusing on how and why rice farming households are (or are not) adapting to changes in water access from irrigation services. He is working with local farmers, Irrigation Associations, and government staff in and around the Municipality of Bustos. Sameer has been in Bulacan […]
Andrea Marston receives Trudeau Scholarship
By Lucy Rodina on July 21, 2014
EDGES alumna Andrea Marston recently received the prestigious Trudeau Scholarship. Congratulations from the entire EDGES team! Andrea is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in the Geography Department at the University of California, Berkeley, where she is co-supervised by Professors Michael Watts, Jake Kosek, and Gillian Hart. Broadly speaking, Andrea’s research interests lie at the intersection of political […]
Sameer Shah at WatIF 2014
By Lucy Rodina on May 13, 2014
Sameer attended the Water Initiative for the Future (WatIF) Conference this past week at Queens University (Kingston, Ontario). The Conference featured a great diversity of water related research at health-energy-poverty-agricultural nexuses, both in Canada and abroad. Sameer presented during the concurrent session “Our Livelihood, Our Legacy: Balancing Resource-Based Needs and their Water Impacts” for Agriculture and […]
Lucy Rodina at Resilience2014
By Lucy Rodina on May 7, 2014
Lucy Rodina is currently attending Resilience 2014 in Montpellier, France. Resilience 2014 is an international multi- and inter-disciplinary conference, organized by the “French node” of the Resilience Alliance network (CIRAD – CNRS – IRSTEA- INRA), Agropolis International and their partners of the campus of Montpellier. Building on the first two conferences (in Stockholm & in Phoenix), Resilience […]
New Publication: Dunn, Bakker and Harris, Drinking Water Quality Guidelines across Canadian Provinces and Territories
By Lucy Rodina on April 26, 2014
Dunn, G., Bakker, K., & L. Harris (2014). Drinking Water Quality Guidelines across Canadian Provinces and Territories: Jurisdictional Variation in the Context of Decentralized Water Governance. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 11, 4634-4651. Abstract: This article presents the first comprehensive review and analysis of the uptake of the Canadian Drinking Water Quality Guidelines (CDWQG) across Canada’s 13 […]
New Publication: Harris, Imaginative Geographies of Green: Difference, Postcoloniality, and Affect in Environmental Narratives in Contemporary Turkey
By Lucy Rodina on April 24, 2014
Harris, L. (2014). Imaginative Geographies of Green: Difference, Postcoloniality, and Affect in Environmental Narratives in Contemporary Turkey. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. Abstract: Analyzing everyday environmental imaginaries from contemporary Turkey through the lenses of postcolonial, emotional-affective, and nature–society geographies, this article offers insights into shifting nature–society relations and possibilities. Based on a series […]
Leila Harris at the Environmental Justice Workshop at Purdue University
By Lucy Rodina on April 24, 2014
Leila Harris will be giving a talk at the Environmental Justice and Access to Basic Resources session at the Environmental Justice Workshop scheduled to take place at Purdue University on April 24 and 25th. “Environmental justice (EJ), or the issue of ensuring fair access to environmental decision making and resources for all groups in society, is a […]
Leila Harris visits South Africa in April 2014
By Lucy Rodina on April 14, 2014
During a recent trip to South Africa, Leila Harris was a panelist at the Municipal Services Project International Conference in Cape Town, titled “Putting Public in Public Services: Research, Action and Equity in the Global South”. The objectives of this conference were to bring together researchers, activists, labour representatives, development practitioners and policy makers from around the world working […]
EDGES at the AAG 2014
By Lucy Rodina on April 14, 2014
This year’s Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers took place in Tampa, Florida. The EDGES Research Collaborative was represented by two current EDGES students – Elizabeth Dapaah and Lucy Rodina – and and two EDGES alumni – Margaret Morales and Andrea Marston. Here are quick summaries of the presentations: Elizabeth Dapaah, Despair and neglect in the […]
Congratulations to Megan Peloso
By Lucy Rodina on April 6, 2014
Please join the EDGES team in congratulating Megan for her successful completion of the MA program at IRES! Megan Peloso did her MA under the supervision of Dr. Leila Harris, working on water governance and water access in Accra, Ghana. During a field trip to Ghana in 2012, Megan investigated questions of water access and urban informality from […]
New Publication: G. Dunn, N. Henrich, B. Holmes, L. Harris and N. Prystajecky, Microbial water quality communication: public and practitioner insights from British Columbia, Canada
By Lucy Rodina on March 6, 2014
Dunn, G., Henrich, N., Holmes, B., Harris, L. & N. Prystajecky (In Press). Microbial water quality communication: public and practitioner insights from British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Water and Health, In press, Uncorrected Proof. ABSTRACT This work examines the communication interactions of water suppliers and health authorities with the general public regarding microbial source water […]
New Publication: Kleiber, Harris and Vincent, Gender and small-scale fisheries: a case for counting women and beyond
By Lucy Rodina on February 26, 2014
Kleiber, D., Harris, L.M., & A. Vincent (2014). Gender and small-scale fisheries: a case for counting women and beyond. Fish and Fisheries, Feb 2014 Early View. Abstract: Marine ecosystem–scale fisheries research and management must include the fishing effort of women and men. Even with growing recognition that women do fish, there remains an imperative to engage […]
New Publication: Harris, Elements of Feminist Political Ecology and Capabilities
By Lucy Rodina on February 14, 2014
Harris, L. (2013). Elements of Feminist Political Ecology and Capabilities. In J. Goldin (Ed). Water and Capabilities Special Issue. E-bulletin of the Human Development and Capability Association (December 2013). Excerpt: Through a focus on water politics and access to water, especially important social and political categories that condition differential access and participation in governance (such as gender, landlessness and ethnicity), contribute […]
New Publication: Tremblay, Towards inclusive waste management: participatory video as a communication tool
By Lucy Rodina on February 14, 2014
Tremblay, C. (2013). Towards inclusive waste management: participatory video as a communication tool. Waste and Resource Management 166(WR4):177-186. Abstract: This paper describes the outcomes of a participatory video (PV) project with recycling cooperatives in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, Brazil between 2008 and 2012. Through a participatory action research approach, four PVs were co-produced and a collaborative […]
New Publication: Peloso and Morinville, ‘Chasing for water’: Everyday practices of water access in peri-urban Ashaiman, Ghana
By Lucy Rodina on February 6, 2014
Peloso, M & C. Morinville. (2014). ‘Chasing for water’: Everyday practices of water access in peri-urban Ashaiman, Ghana. Water Alternatives 7(1): 140-159 ABSTRACT: Despite recent reports suggesting that access to improved sources of drinking water is rising in Ghana, water access remains a daily concern for many of those living in the capital region. Throughout the Greater Accra Metropolitan […]
New Publication: Kleiber, Harris & Vincent, Improving fisheries estimates by including women’s catch in the Central Philippines
By Lucy Rodina on February 3, 2014
Kleiber, D., Harris, L. M., & A.C.J. Vincent (2014). Improving fisheries estimates by including women’s catch in the Central Philippines. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Online. 1139/cjfas-2013-0177 Abstract: Small-scale fisheries catch and effort estimates are often built on incomplete data because they overlook women’s fishing. Women do participate in small-scale fisheries, and often in ways distinct from […]
New Publication: Cohen and Harris, Performing Scale: Watersheds as “Natural” Governance Units in the Canadian Context
By Lucy Rodina on February 3, 2014
Cohen, A. & L. Harris (2014). Performing Scale: Watersheds as “Natural” Governance Units in the Canadian Context. In: M.R. Glass & R. Rose-Redwood, Eds (2014) Perfomativity, Politics, and the Production of Social Space. New York and London: Routledge Abstract: This chapter is concerned with the performativity of scale—that is, the citational practices through which scale effects are produced While […]
Event: Women fish too: gender and small-scale fisheries in the Central Philippines
By Lucy Rodina on February 3, 2014
As part of RMES Seminar Series, EDGES member Danika Kleiber is giving a talk on the role of gender in small-scale fisheries in the Central Phillippines. Tuesday February 4th, 12.30pm-1.20pm, AERL 120 IRES Seminar Series: Student Lecture Danika Kleiber & Andrés Cisneros-Montemayor, PhD Candidates, Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia Danika’s Seminar: Women fish too: gender and small-scale […]
Event: ‘What is Healthy Water?’ Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Water Security
By Lucy Rodina on January 22, 2014
The Peter Wall Institute invites you to attend a public event “What is ‘Healthy’ Water? Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Water Security”. This evening is part of a Peter Wall Exploratory Workshop on Water and Innovation organized by Dr. Karen Bakker and Dr. Leila Harris. Wednesday January 29, 2014 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Peter Wall Institute Conference […]
Event: Dialogue with David Groenfeldt on ethics in water governance
By Lucy Rodina on January 22, 2014
Sponsors: EDGES and the Program on Water Governance What: informal student-driven dialogue with David Groenfeldt (by invitation) Date: Thursday January 30th David Groenfeldt Director, Water-Culture Institute; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico An anthropologist, David received his PhD in 1984 from the University of Arizona, based on field research on irrigation development in […]
Event: China’s ‘Upstream Dilemma’ as an Emerging World Power – How does International Law Facilitate Transboundary Water Cooperation?
By Lucy Rodina on January 22, 2014
Sponsor: Institute of Asian Research Place: Conference room #120, C.K. Choi Building, 1855 West Mall By: Patricia Wouters, Professor of International Law, Xiamen University, China Type: Seminar Date: Tuesday, Jan 28, 2014 Time: 4:30 pm Patricia Wouters, professor of international law specialises in transboundary water resources and currently heads up the China International Water Law (CIWL) research […]
Fieldwork Update: Crystal Tremblay in Brazil
By Lucy Rodina on January 16, 2014
Dr.Tremblay attended the Better Futures Network in Rio de Janeiro, November 24th-28th, 2013 hosted by the Carleton Centre for Community Innovation (CCCI) of Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, in partnership with COEP (Comitê de Entidades no Combate contra a Fome e Pela Vida – the Committee of Entities in the Struggle against Hunger and for Life) based in Brazil. The […]
New Publication: Neoliberalism, Nature, and Changing Modalities of Environmental Governance in Contemporary Turkey
By Lucy Rodina on January 7, 2014
Harris, L. and M. Islar. (2014). Neoliberalism, Nature and Changing Modalities of Environmental Governance in Contemporary Turkey. In: Atasoy, Y., Ed. (2014). Global Economic Crisis and the Politics of Diversity. London and New York, Palgrave MacMillan Chapter abstract: This paper presents an overview of recent environmental governance shifts in Turkey, analyzing these shifts in relation […]
New Publication: The Politics of Adaptation: Subsistence Livelihoods and Vulnerability to Climate Change in the Koyukon Athabascan Village of Ruby, Alaska
By Lucy Rodina on December 4, 2013
Wilson, Nicole J. (2014). The Politics of Adaptation: Subsistence Livelihoods and Vulnerability to Climate Change in the Koyukon Athabascan Village of Ruby, Alaska. Human Ecology 42 (1): 87–101. doi:10.1007/s10745-013-9619-3. Abstract: The concepts of vulnerability and adaptation have contributed to understanding human responses to climate change. However, analysis of the implications of the broader political context on adaptation has […]
Accepting applications for funded MA and PhD student positions in the UBC Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability
By Lucy Rodina on November 26, 2013
IRES is accepting applications for funded MA and PhD student positions: Experience of Shifting Water Governance: Comparative Study of Water Access, Narrative and Citizenship in Accra, Ghana and Cape Town, South Africa Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, MA and PhD students are invited to work with this collaborative comparative research project. […]
EDGES welcomes three new members!
By Lucy Rodina on November 8, 2013
This year three new members joined the EDGES team. Welcome and we all look forward to working with you in the future! Crystal Tremblay is currently working as a Postdoctoral Fellow with IRES, exploring the impacts and implications of shifting water governance structures in Accra, Ghana and Cape Town, South Africa, simultaneously providing a powerful narrative portraying the lived experiences […]
New Publication: A comparative analysis of current microbial water quality risk assessment and management practices in British Columbia and Ontario, Canada
By Lucy Rodina on November 1, 2013
Dunn, G., Harris, L., Cook, K. & N. Prystajecky. (2014). A comparative analysis of current microbial water quality risk assessment and management practices in British Columbia and Ontario, Canada. Science of the Total Environment, 458-469(2014): 544-552. Abstract: Bacteria, protozoa and viruses are ubiquitous in aquatic environments and may pose threats to water quality for both human and […]
Congratulations to Lucy!
By Lucy Rodina on November 1, 2013
Lucy successfully completed her MA degree in the Resource Management and Environmental Studies Program at the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability. Lucy did her MA with Dr. Leila Harris, working on water governance and the human right to water in South Africa. Lucy’s Masters research investigated the lived everyday experiences of residents of informal settlements […]
Congrats to Fatima!
By Lucy Rodina on September 18, 2013
EDGES would like to congratulate Fatima for completing her Master’s degree at IGRSJ. Fatima did her Master’s degree with Dr Leila Harris at the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice. Her research examines issues of gender and representation within certification standards applied to cocoa bean production. More specifically, she is using feminist critical […]
New Publication: Large dam development in India: sustainability criteria for the assessment of critical river basin infrastructure
By Lucy Rodina on September 16, 2013
Sameer H. Shah & Robert B. Gibson. (2013): Large dam development in India: sustainability criteria for the assessment of critical river basin infrastructure. International Journal of River Basin Management, 11(1): 33-53. Abstract: Historical river basin development for agriculture, power generation and related purposes in India has emphasized supply-side management approaches, often through large dams, with significant failures, deficiencies […]
New Publication: Book review by Rosie Simms
By Lucy Rodina on August 21, 2013
Simms, R. B. (2013). Book Review: Mascarenhas, M. (2012). Where the Waters Divide: Neoliberalism, White Privilege, and Environmental Racism in Canada. The International Indigenous Policy Journal, 4(3): 1-4. Abstract: This article provides a critical review of Michael Mascarenhas’ book, Where the Waters Divide: Neoliberalism, White Privilege, and Environmental Racism in Canada.
New Publication: Recent waves of water governance
By Lucy Rodina on August 21, 2013
Harris, L. & M. C. Roa-García. (2013).Recent waves of water governance: Constitutional reform and resistance to neoliberalization in Latin America (1990–2012). Geoforum 50: 20-30. Abstract: This article critically investigates recent water governance shifts, particularly constitutional changes implemented in several Latin American countries that highlight a ‘right to water’ as well as recent efforts that invoke such a […]
Congratulations, Phil!
By Lucy Rodina on August 21, 2013
Please join the EDGES team in congratulating Phil Torio for completing his comprehensive exams and for receiving the IDRC Doctoral Research Award’13 for his work on water privatization in Manilla. His research project in titled “Water Privatization in Metro Manila: Assessing the State of Equitable Access to Water“. The IDRC award will allow him to conduct his field […]
Fieldwork update: Elizabeth K. Dapaah in Accra, Ghana
By Lucy Rodina on August 21, 2013
I have been working in Ghana for the past two and half months on my master’s research project, which is focused on water governance and delivery in the city of Accra, Ghana. I began working from the 3rd of June under the external supervision of Prof. Jacob Songsore in the Department of Geography and Resource […]
New Publication: Rethinking the Human Right to Water
By Lucy Rodina on July 26, 2013
Morinville, C., & L. Rodina. (2013). Rethinking the Human Right to Water: Water Access and Dispossession in Botswana’s Central Kalahari Game Reserve. Geoforum, 49: 150-159. Abstract: This paper engages debates regarding the human right to water through an exploration the recent legal battle between San and Bakgalagadi and the government of Botswana regarding access to water in the […]
Congratulations, Leila!
By Lucy Rodina on July 23, 2013
Please join the EDGES team in congratulating Leila Harris, who was promoted to Associate Professor at the Institute for Resources Environment and Sustainability and the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice, effective July 1, 2013. Having received her PhD degree from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities in Geography with a minor in Development Studies and […]
Fieldwork update: Community Debrief in Site C, Khayelitsha, Cape Town
By Lucy Rodina on July 6, 2013
During a second visit to Cape Town, South Africa, with the invaluable help of Iliso Care Society, Lucy Rodina organized a community debrief event in Site C, Khayelitsha, to present some aspects of her research activities during 2012, including a preview of the CWGAR project, and to welcome feedback from the community. The event took […]
New Publication: CIGI Policy Brief
By Lucy Rodina on June 5, 2013
Improving Participatory Water Governance in Accra, Ghana SERIES: CIGI-AFRICA INITIATIVE POLICY BRIEF SERIES BY: LEILA M. HARRIS AND CYNTHIA MORINVILLE EDITED BY: SONYA ZIKIC RELEASE DATE: JUNE 4, 2013 The city of Accra faces challenges in providing its citizens with potable water due to rapid population growth, poverty and governance challenges. This policy brief highlights […]
Multiple SSHRC Awards for the EDGES team!
By Lucy Rodina on June 5, 2013
Several EDGES members have recently received Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) awards. Leila Harris was awarded the SSHRC Insight grant, titled “Experiences of Shifting Water Governance: Comparative Study of Water Access, Narrative, and Citizenship in Accra Ghana and Cape Town South Africa.” Sameer Shah and Rosie Simms received Masters funding. Sameer is starting […]
Zoonoses and emergence of new infectious diseases: biology meets anthropology
By Lucy Rodina on May 24, 2013
Sansonetti_Colloque2013 Collège de France (Chaire de Microbiologie et Maladies Infectieuses, Paris), PWIAS (University of British Columbia, Vancouver) and CNRS (Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale, Paris) are organizing a workshop, titled “Zoonoses and emergence of new infectious diseases: biology meets anthropology”, which will take place on June 10 and 11th. The goal of this workshop is to identify key factors in the […]
New Book: Contemporary Water Governance in the Global South
By Lucy Rodina on May 11, 2013
Contemporary Water Governance in the Global South: Scarcity, Marketization and Participation (May 20th, 2013) Edited by Leila M. Harris, Jacqueline A. Goldin, Christopher Sneddon The litany of alarming observations about water use and misuse is now familiar—over a billion people without access to safe drinking water; almost every major river dammed and diverted; increasing conflicts over the delivery […]
New Project: Assessing Drinking Water Governance in First Nations, BC
By Lucy Rodina on May 11, 2013
As part of the newly established SSHRC funded WEPGN: Water Economics Policy and Governance Network, the Program on Water Governance will be launching a new project (2013): Assessing Drinking Water Governance in British Columbia, with focus on Water Quality in First Nations. This project will be guided by an environmental justice framework, and involves a commitment by the […]