Thesis Topic: Gender, Labor and Space in Wastewater Management: Infrastructure Decision-Making in the Informal Settlements of Lomas de Zamora, Argentina.
Research and Related Work Experience:
Margaret worked for two years as a documentary filmmaker before coming to UBC. Her projects ranged from short videos on aquaculture in the Peruvian Amazon to a full-length documentary telling the stories of undocumented Guatemalan immigrants to the United States. Her research as a Master’s student continues to center around visual storytelling and her camera Chi-Chi Morales is never far from her side.
Her research looks at how attention to gender informs decisions about wastewater infrastructure placement and design in the informal settlement communities of Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires, Argentina, where over 71% of residents lack access to municipal sewage services. Her research incoporates video and visual methodologies as a way of incorporating more voices and knowledges to inform community decisions.
Margaret now writes a blog about garbage and recycling issues in the United States – She is currently traveling around the US sleuthing out stories, practicing her photography, and continuing her interest in how we deal with our waste.
Contact: margaret.c.morales [at] gmail [dot] com