Maria Cecilia Roa Garcia

Cecilia is an Assistant Professor of Sustainability and Theories of Development at the Universidad de los Andes, in Bogotá, Colombia. Her research focuses on environmental governance and justice, democratization, and socio-hydrological issues in Latin America.


Budds, J., Roa-García, M.C. (Eds.) 2019. Justicia Hídrica: poder, conflicto, acción social. Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Universidad Católica, Lima.

Roa-Avendaño, T, Roa-García, M.C., Toloza-Chaparro, J. y Navas-Camacho, L.M. (Coordinadoras) 2017. Como el agua y el aceite: conflictos socioambientales por la extracción petrolera. Centro Nacional Salud, Ambiente y Trabajo, CENSAT Agua Viva.

Roa-García, M.C., 2017. Environmental democratization and water justice in extractive frontiers of Colombia. Geoforum 85: 58-71.

Brown S. Roa-García M.C., 2016. Equidad y asignación de concesiones de agua en  Colombia. Gestión y Ambiente, Volumen 19, Número 2, p. 332-355, 2016. ISSN electrónico 2357-5905. ISSN impreso 0124-177X.

Roa-García, M.C. and Brown, S., 2016. Caracterización de la acumulación de carbono en pequeños humedales andinos en la cuenca alta del río Barbas (Quindío, Colombia). Caldasia, 38(1):117-135. doi:

Roa-García, M.C. Brown, S. and Roa-García, C.E. 2015. Jerarquía de vulnerabilidades de las organizaciones comunitarias de agua en Colombia. Gestión y Ambiente, 18(2):51-79.

Roa-García, M.C. and Brown, S. 2015. Assessing equity and sustainability of water allocation in Colombia. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, DOI: 10.1080/13549839.2015.1070816

Roa-García, M.C., Pulido-Rozo, A., 2014. The challenge of urban-rural equity in water access for domestic use in Colombia. Journal of Environment and Sustainability, forthcoming. (In Spanish)

Roa-García, M.C. 2014. Equity, efficiency and scale in water allocation: trade-offs in a full world. Water Alternatives 7(2):298-319.

Roa-García, M.C., Urteaga-Crovetto, P., Bustamante-Centeno, R., 2013. Water laws in the Andes: a promising precedent for challenging neoliberalism. Geoforum, in press.

Roa-García, M.C., Brown, S., Lavkulich, L. 2014. Stream closure and water allocation in the Colombian Andes. International Journal of Water, 8(2): 128-148.

Harris, L., Roa-García, M.C., 2013. Recent Waves of Water Governance: Constitutional Reform and Resistance to Neoliberalization in Latin America (1990-2012). Geoforum, 50: 20-30.

Roa-García, M.C., Brown, S., Schreier, H. and Lavkulich, L., 2011. The role of land use and soil in regulating water flow in small headwater catchments of the Andes. Water Resources Research, 47(5), 1-12.

Roa-García, M.C., Weiler, M., 2010. Combining hydrograph separation and baseflow transit time modelling to compare catchments based on their response and transit time distributions. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 1537-1549.

Contact: mc.roag [at] uniandes [dot] edu [dot] co