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Sejin Um

Research interests: gender; work and organizations; family; social inequality

Sejin Um received her MA degree in Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice (GRSJ) at UBC in May 2019 under the co-supervision of Drs. Leila M. Harris (IRES) and Gillian Creese (Sociology). Her MA thesis, titled “Why do young women leave conglomerates? gender and the militarized workplace in South Korea,” can be viewed here. She is currently a PhD student in the Department of Sociology at New York University.

Sejin holds a BA in International Studies and Law and Public Administration from Korea University (2014). Prior to joining the MA program, she has been part of the millennial feminist movement in South Korea, both on-line and off-line, studying feminist theories and organizing various events, marches and protests with multiple organizations and groups. She continues to be engaged in the women’s movement in South Korea as well as Canada.

Contact: sejinum [at] alumni [dot] ubc [dot] ca

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