Sameer Shah is a Ph.D. candidate, Liu Scholar and Governor General Gold Medalist at the Institute for Resources, Environment & Sustainability. An active member of the Program on Water Governance, the EDGES Research Collaborative (Environment and Development: Gender, Equity, and Sustainability), and the Household Water Insecurity Experiences Research Coordination Network (HWISE-RCN), he is interested in scholarship at the intersections of climate change, water governance, inequality, and social-ecological transformations. In his current work, Sameer uses conceptual frameworks of political-ecology and environmental injustice to understand the social, environmental, and political factors underlying differentiated water insecurities at local and regional scales. His latest project examines the equitability and sustainability dimensions of state-led water conservation designed to protect villages from drought in Maharashtra (India).
Featured Publications:
Peer-reviewed journal articles:
Angeles, L.C., Shah, S.H. (2019, accepted). Re-scaling and re-contextualizing agriculture-industry synergies for rural development: The case of an urbanizing rurality in the Philippines. Journal of Peasant Studies, 1-20.
Shah, S.H., Wagner, C.H., Sanga, U., Park, H., Demange, L. H., Gueiros, C., Niles, M.T. (2019). Does household capital mediate agricultural adaptation to hydro-climatic change? Evidence from the Indo-Gangetic Plains (India). Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 3(1), 1-16.
Shah, S.H., Rodina, L., Burt, J.M, Gregr, E.J., Chapman, M., Williams, S., Wilson, N.J., McDowell, G. (2018). Unpacking social-ecological transformations: Conceptual, ethical and methodological insights. The Anthropocene Review 5(3), 250-265.
Shah, S.H., Rodina, L. (2018). Water ethics, justice, and equity in social-ecological systems conservation: Lessons from the Queensland Wild Rivers Act. Water Policy 20(5), 933-952.
Wutich, A., Budds, J., Eichelberger, L., Geere, J., Harris, L., Horney, J., Jepson, W., Norman, E., O’Reilly, K., Pearson, A., Shah, S.H., Shinn, J., Simpson, K., Staddon, C., Stoler, J., Teodoro, M., Young, S.L. (2017). Advancing methods for household water insecurity research: Studying entitlements and capabilities, socio-cultural dynamics, and political processes, institutions and governance. Water Security 2, 1-10.
Jepson, W., Budds, J., Eichelberger, L., Harris, L., Norman, E., O’Reilly, K., Pearson, A., Shah, S.H., Shinn, J., Staddon, C., Stoler, J., Wutich, A., Young, S. (2017). Advancing water security for human development: A relational perspective. Water Security 1, 46-52.
Shah, S.H., Zerriffi, H. (2017). Urban water demand, climatic variation, and irrigation water insecurity: Interactive stressors and lessons for water governance from the Angat River Basin (Philippines). Water International 42(5), 543-567.
Shah, S.H., Angeles, L.C., Harris, L.M. (2017). Worlding the intangibility of resilience: The case of rice farmers and water-related risk in the Philippines. World Development 98, 400-412.
Shah, S.H., Gibson, R.B. (2013). Large dam development in India: sustainability criteria for the assessment of critical river basin infrastructure. International Journal of River Basin Management 11(1), 33-53.
Editor-reviewed journal articles:
Wilson, N.J., Harris, L.M., Nelson, J., Shah, S.H. (2019). Re-theorizing politics in water governance. Water, 11(7), 1470.
Shah, S.H., Narain, V. Re-framing India’ s ‘water crisis’: An institutions and entitlements perspective. (2019). Geoforum 101, 76-79.
Book chapters & reviews:
Shah, S.H. (2019). Book review: Anand, N. 2017: Hydraulic city: water and the infrastructures of citizenship in Mumbai. Durham and London: Duke University Press. 312pp. US$99.95 cloth, US$26.95 paper. ISBN: 978 0 8223 6254 8 cloth, 978 0 8223 6269 2 paper. Progress in Development Studies19 (1): 1-2.
Harris, L.M., McKenzie, S., Rodina, L., Shah, S.H, Wilson, N. (2018). Water justice: Concepts, debates and research agendas. In: Holifield, R., Chakraborty, J., Walker, G. (Eds.). Handbook of Environmental Justice. Routledge: Abingdon and New York.
Contact: Sameer.shah [at] alumni [dot] ubc [dot] ca